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argparser: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Parse CLI arguments and flags easily.

Argparser #

Argparser helps you parse command-line arguments and flags easily.

Usage #

Follow the instructions from to depend on the argparser package. Then argparser should be able to use as in the following examples.

// main.dart
import 'package:argparser/argparser.dart' as ap;

void main(List<String> args) {
  var arguments = ap.parse(args);

dart main.dart need -a --much=better -- example

// [need, example]
// {a: true, much: better}


parse(List<String> args, Options options) #


List of arguments strings, can be used directly from the main function argument.

List<String> options.boolean

List of keys for options that will be parsed as boolean values.

var output = ap.parse(['--for', 'sure'])
// output.primary -> []
// output.options -> {for: sure}

var output = ap.parse(
  ['--for', 'sure'],
    boolean: ['for']
// output.primary -> [sure]
// output.options -> {for: true}

List<List<String>> options.alias

List of lists with each of them containing alias keys for options.

var output = ap.parse(['--save'])
// output.primary -> []
// output.options -> {save: true}

var output = ap.parse(
    alias: [
      ['save', 's']
// output.primary -> []
// output.options -> {s: true, save: true}

Map<String, dynamic> options.defaults

Default values for options, which will be merged with the parsed output.

var output = ap.parse(['npm', 'i', 'react'])
// output.primary -> [npm, i, react]
// output.options -> {}

var output = ap.parse(
  ['npm', 'i', 'react'],
    defaults: {
      'save': true
// output.primary -> [npm, i, react]
// output.options -> {save: true}

License #

MIT © Frenco Jobs