ad_turbo 0.0.1
ad_turbo: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
ad_turbo Implements Google Ads, Easy and fastest way, supporting All Type of Ads,Native Ads(Android),Banner,App Open,Interstitial,AppOpen,Rewarded,Rewarded Interstitial and NativeVideo(Android).
ad_turbo #
ad_turbo Implements Google Ads, Easy and Turbo Way, supporting All Type of Google Ads,Native Ads(Android),Banner,App Open,Interstitial,AppOpen,Rewarded,Rewarded Interstitial and NativeVideo(Android) into Flutter App.
Show some 💙, 👍 the package & ⭐️ the repo to support the project
To easily integrate ads into your flutter app.
Features #
Google Mobile Ads #
- banner Ad
- interstitial Ad
- rewarded Ad
- rewarded interstitial Ad
- app open Ad
- native small Ad, native Ad, native video(Android Only)
Getting Started #
- Add this dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file:
ad_turbo: "<LATEST_VERSION>"
Platform Specific Setup #
Android #
Set minSdkVersion 19 to \android\app\build.gradle:
android {
defaultConfig {
MinSdkVersion 19
App requires Multidex support
Set multiDexEnabled true to \android\app\build.gradle:
android {
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
Update AndroidManifest.xml
In your app's /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file,add this.
<!-- Sample AdMob app ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->
This is a test id you need to ad your admob id for real ads at android:value="ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy"
The AdMob App ID must be included in the AndroidManifest.xml. Failure to do so will result in a crash on launch of an app.
Update your Info.plist #
In your app's ios/Runner/Info.plist file,add a GADApplicationIdentifier key with a string value of your AdMob app ID
This is a test id you need to ad your admob id for real ads at
See this guide for more information about configuring Integrating the Google Mobile Ads SDK into a Flutter app.
Documentation #
ad_turbo implementation #
Initialize the plugin #
You need to ad this in your main
Fucnction For implementation plugin ads into your app's main.dart file :
import 'package:ad_turbo/ad_turbo.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
adTurbo() async{
await AdTurbo.init();
await AdTurbo.adTurboTestDevice(testDeviceIds: "BC754A812958EE7FF20599662417762B");
AdHelper #
You can create adhelper for plateform spacific google mob id "
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
class AdTurboAdHelper {
static String get bannerAdUnitId {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716";
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported platform");
static String get appOpenAdUnitId {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3419835294";
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5662855259";
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported platform");
For more detail On How to spacify AdHelper Check Example of ad_turbo AdTurboAdHelper here.
Banner Ad #
####- For implement banner Ad You need to initialize BannerAdTurbo
final _bannerAdTurbo = BannerAdTurbo();
####- For load banner Ad there is Function loadBannerAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _bannerAdTurbo.loadBannerAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.bannerAdUnitId);
####- after load banner you can get bannerAd with this :
- banner Ad will get as widget
For more detail On How to Implement BannerAd Check Example of ad_turbo bannerAd here.
Interstitial Ad #
####- For implement interstitial Ad You need to initialize InterstitialAdTurbo
final _interstitialAdTurbo = InterstitialAdTurbo();
####- For load interstitial Ad there is Function loadInterstitialAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _interstitialAdTurbo.loadInterstitialAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.interstitialAdUnitId);
####- after load interstitial you can get interstitial Ad with this function :
- interstitial can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of interstital Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _interstitialAdTurbo.interstitialAd?.show();
await _interstitialAdTurbo.interstitialCallback();
child: const Text("InterstitialAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement Interstitial Ad Check Example of ad_turbo interstitialAd here.
Rewarded Ad #
####- For implement Rewarded Ad You need to initialize RewardedAdTurbo
final _rewardedAdTurbo = RewardedAdTurbo();
####- For load Rewarded Ad there is Function loadRewardedAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedAdTurbo.loadRewardedAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedAdUnitId);
####- after load Rewarded you can get Rewarded Ad with this function :
- Rewarded can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of Rewarded Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _rewardedAdTurbo.rewardedCallback();
child: const Text("RewardedAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement Rewarded Ad Check Example of ad_turbo RewardedAd [here]
RewardedInterstitial Ad #
####- For implement RewardedInterstitial Ad You need to initialize RewardedInterstitialAdTurbo
final _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo = RewardedInterstitialAdTurbo();
####- For load RewardedInterstitial Ad there is Function loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo
(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedInterstitial);
####- after load RewardedInterstitial you can get RewardedInterstitial Ad with this function :
- RewardedInterstitial can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of RewardedInterstitial Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.rewardedInterstitialCallback();
child: const Text("RewardedInterstitialAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement RewardedInterstitial Ad Check Example of ad_turbo RewardedInterstitial [here]
AppOpen Ad #
####- For implement AppOpen Ad You need to initialize AppOpenAdTurbo
final _appOpenAdTurbo = AppOpenAdTurbo();
####- For load AppOpen Ad there is Function loadAppOpenAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _appOpenAdTurbo.loadAppOpenAdTurbo(
####- after load AppOpen you can get AppOpen Ad with this function :
- AppOpen can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of AppOpen Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _appOpenAdTurbo.appOpenAd?.show();
await _appOpenAdTurbo.appOpenCallback();
child: const Text("AppOpenAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement AppOpen Ad Check Example of ad_turbo AppOpen [here]
Native AdS #
####- For implement Native AdS You need to initialize NativeAdTurbo
final _nativeAdTurbo = NativeAdTurbo();
NativeAd Small #
####- For load NativeSmall Ad there is Function loadNativeSmallAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeSmallAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId);
####- after load NativeSmall you can get NativeSmall Ad Widget like this :
Container(height: 102,child: _nativeAdTurbo.getNativeSmallAdTurbo())
For more detail On How to Implement NativeSmall Ad Check Example of ad_turbo NativeSmall [here]
NativeAd Medium #
####- For load NativeMedium Ad there is Function loadNativeMediumAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeMediumAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId);
####- after load NativeMedium you can get NativeMedium Ad Widget like this :
Container(height: 255,child: _nativeAdTurbo.getNativeMediumAdTurbo())
For more detail On How to Implement NativeMedium Ad Check Example of ad_turbo NativeMedium [here]
NativeAd Video #
####- For load NativeVideo Ad there is Function loadNativeVideoAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await loadNativeVideoAdTurbo(
nativeVideoID: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedVideoAdUnitId);
####- after load NativeVideo you can get NativeVideo Ad Widget like this :
Container(height: 310,child: _nativeAdTurbo.getNativeVideoAdTurbo(context: context))
For more detail On How to Implement NativeVideo Ad Check Example of ad_turbo NativeVideo [here]
Load Function InDetail : #
###- This functions must be call in init method.
loadBannerAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _bannerAdTurbo.loadBannerAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.bannerAdUnitId,
// Called when an TurboBannerAd is successfully received.
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
log("ad_turbo_plugin : TurboBannerAd loaded");
isBannerAdReady = true;
// Called when an TurboBannerAd request failed.
onAdFailedToLoad: (ad, error) {
// Dispose the TurboBannerAd here to free resources.
isBannerAdReady = false;
print('TurboBannerAd failed to load: $error');
// Called when an TurboBannerAd opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdOpened: (ad) => print('TurboBannerAd opened.'),
// Called when an TurboBannerAd removes an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdClosed: (ad) => print('TurboBannerAd closed.'),
// Called when an impression occurs on the TurboBannerAd.
onAdImpression: (ad) => print('TurboBannerAd impression.'),
adSize: BannerAdTurbo.banner);
loadInterstitialAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _interstitialAdTurbo.loadInterstitialAdTurbo(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.interstitialAdUnitId,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded.');
// Keep a reference to the ad so you can show it later.
_interstitialAdTurbo.interstitialAd = ad;
isInterstitialAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isInterstitialAdReady = false;
print('Failed to load an interstitial ad: ${error.message}');
loadRewardedAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedAdTurbo.loadRewardedAdTurbo(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedAdUnitId,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded.');
// Keep a reference to the ad so you can show it later.
_rewardedAdTurbo.rewardedAd = ad;
isRewardedAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isRewardedAdReady = false;
print('RewardedAd failed to load: $error');
loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedInterstitial,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded.');
// Keep a reference to the ad so you can show it later.
_rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.rewardedInterstitial = ad;
isRewardedInterstitialAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isRewardedInterstitialAdReady = false;
print('RewardedInterstitialAd failed to load: $error');
loadAppOpenAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _appOpenAdTurbo.loadAppOpenAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.appOpenAdUnitId,
orientation: AppOpenAdTurbo.orientationPortrait,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded');
_appOpenAdTurbo.appOpenAd = ad;
isAppOpenAdAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isAppOpenAdAdReady = false;
print('AppOpenAd failed to load: $error');
loadNativeSmallAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeSmallAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId,
// Called when an ad is successfully received.
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('Ad loaded.');
isNativeSmallAdReady = true;
// Called when an ad request failed.
onAdFailedToLoad:(ad, error) {
isNativeSmallAdReady = false;
// Dispose the ad here to free resources.
print('Ad load failed (code=${error.code} message=${error.message})');
// Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdOpened: (ad) => print('Ad opened.'),
// Called when an ad removes an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdClosed: (ad) => print('Ad closed.'),
// Called when an impression occurs on the ad.
onAdImpression: (ad) => print('Ad impression.'),
// Called when a click is recorded for a NativeAd.
onNativeAdClicked: (ad) => print('Ad clicked.'));
loadNativeMediumAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeMediumAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId,
// Called when an ad is successfully received.
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('Ad loaded.');
isNativeMediumAdReady = true;
// Called when an ad request failed.
onAdFailedToLoad:(ad, error) {
isNativeMediumAdReady = false;
// Dispose the ad here to free resources.
print('Ad load failed (code=${error.code} message=${error.message})');
// Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdOpened: (ad) => print('Ad opened.'),
// Called when an ad removes an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdClosed: (ad) => print('Ad closed.'),
// Called when an impression occurs on the ad.
onAdImpression: (ad) => print('Ad impression.'),
// Called when a click is recorded for a NativeAd.
onNativeAdClicked: (ad) => print('Ad clicked.'));
loadNativeVideoAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeVideoAdTurbo(nativeVideoID: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedVideoAdUnitId);
##### This is a test id you need to ad your admob id for real ads at <string>ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy</string>
See [this guide]( for more information about configuring Integrating the Google Mobile Ads SDK into a Flutter app.
# Documentation
### ad_turbo implementation
### Initialize the plugin
You need to ad this in your `main` Fucnction For implementation plugin ads into your app's main.dart file :
import 'package:ad_turbo/ad_turbo.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
adTurbo() async{
await AdTurbo.init();
await AdTurbo.adTurboTestDevice(testDeviceIds: "BC754A812958EE7FF20599662417762B");
AdHelper #
You can create adhelper for plateform spacific google mob id "
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
class AdTurboAdHelper {
static String get bannerAdUnitId {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716";
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported platform");
static String get appOpenAdUnitId {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3419835294";
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
return "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5662855259";
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported platform");
For more detail On How to spacify AdHelper Check Example of ad_turbo AdTurboAdHelper here.
Banner Ad #
####- For implement banner Ad You need to initialize BannerAdTurbo
final _bannerAdTurbo = BannerAdTurbo();
####- For load banner Ad there is Function loadBannerAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _bannerAdTurbo.loadBannerAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.bannerAdUnitId);
####- after load banner you can get bannerAd with this :
- banner Ad will get as widget
For more detail On How to Implement BannerAd Check Example of ad_turbo bannerAd here.
Interstitial Ad #
####- For implement interstitial Ad You need to initialize InterstitialAdTurbo
final _interstitialAdTurbo = InterstitialAdTurbo();
####- For load interstitial Ad there is Function loadInterstitialAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _interstitialAdTurbo.loadInterstitialAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.interstitialAdUnitId);
####- after load interstitial you can get interstitial Ad with this function :
- interstitial can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of interstital Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _interstitialAdTurbo.interstitialAd?.show();
await _interstitialAdTurbo.interstitialCallback();
child: const Text("InterstitialAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement Interstitial Ad Check Example of ad_turbo interstitialAd here.
Rewarded Ad #
####- For implement Rewarded Ad You need to initialize RewardedAdTurbo
final _rewardedAdTurbo = RewardedAdTurbo();
####- For load Rewarded Ad there is Function loadRewardedAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedAdTurbo.loadRewardedAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedAdUnitId);
####- after load Rewarded you can get Rewarded Ad with this function :
- Rewarded can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of Rewarded Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _rewardedAdTurbo.rewardedCallback();
child: const Text("RewardedAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement Rewarded Ad Check Example of ad_turbo RewardedAd [here]
RewardedInterstitial Ad #
####- For implement RewardedInterstitial Ad You need to initialize RewardedInterstitialAdTurbo
final _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo = RewardedInterstitialAdTurbo();
####- For load RewardedInterstitial Ad there is Function loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo
(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedInterstitial);
####- after load RewardedInterstitial you can get RewardedInterstitial Ad with this function :
- RewardedInterstitial can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of RewardedInterstitial Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.rewardedInterstitialCallback();
child: const Text("RewardedInterstitialAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement RewardedInterstitial Ad Check Example of ad_turbo RewardedInterstitial [here]
AppOpen Ad #
####- For implement AppOpen Ad You need to initialize AppOpenAdTurbo
final _appOpenAdTurbo = AppOpenAdTurbo();
####- For load AppOpen Ad there is Function loadAppOpenAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _appOpenAdTurbo.loadAppOpenAdTurbo(
####- after load AppOpen you can get AppOpen Ad with this function :
- AppOpen can open with onClick
- you can also get callback functions of AppOpen Ad
ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()async{
await _appOpenAdTurbo.appOpenAd?.show();
await _appOpenAdTurbo.appOpenCallback();
child: const Text("AppOpenAd")),
For more detail On How to Implement AppOpen Ad Check Example of ad_turbo AppOpen [here]
Native AdS #
####- For implement Native AdS You need to initialize NativeAdTurbo
final _nativeAdTurbo = NativeAdTurbo();
NativeAd Small #
####- For load NativeSmall Ad there is Function loadNativeSmallAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeSmallAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId);
####- after load NativeSmall you can get NativeSmall Ad Widget like this :
Container(height: 102,child: _nativeAdTurbo.getNativeSmallAdTurbo())
For more detail On How to Implement NativeSmall Ad Check Example of ad_turbo NativeSmall [here]
NativeAd Medium #
####- For load NativeMedium Ad there is Function loadNativeMediumAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeMediumAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId);
####- after load NativeMedium you can get NativeMedium Ad Widget like this :
Container(height: 255,child: _nativeAdTurbo.getNativeMediumAdTurbo())
For more detail On How to Implement NativeMedium Ad Check Example of ad_turbo NativeMedium [here]
NativeAd Video #
####- For load NativeVideo Ad there is Function loadNativeVideoAdTurbo
loadAd() async{
await loadNativeVideoAdTurbo(
nativeVideoID: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedVideoAdUnitId);
####- after load NativeVideo you can get NativeVideo Ad Widget like this :
Container(height: 310,child: _nativeAdTurbo.getNativeVideoAdTurbo(context: context))
For more detail On How to Implement NativeVideo Ad Check Example of ad_turbo NativeVideo [here]
Load Function InDetail : #
###- This functions must be call in init method.
loadBannerAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _bannerAdTurbo.loadBannerAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.bannerAdUnitId,
// Called when an TurboBannerAd is successfully received.
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
log("ad_turbo_plugin : TurboBannerAd loaded");
isBannerAdReady = true;
// Called when an TurboBannerAd request failed.
onAdFailedToLoad: (ad, error) {
// Dispose the TurboBannerAd here to free resources.
isBannerAdReady = false;
print('TurboBannerAd failed to load: $error');
// Called when an TurboBannerAd opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdOpened: (ad) => print('TurboBannerAd opened.'),
// Called when an TurboBannerAd removes an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdClosed: (ad) => print('TurboBannerAd closed.'),
// Called when an impression occurs on the TurboBannerAd.
onAdImpression: (ad) => print('TurboBannerAd impression.'),
adSize: BannerAdTurbo.banner);
loadInterstitialAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _interstitialAdTurbo.loadInterstitialAdTurbo(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.interstitialAdUnitId,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded.');
// Keep a reference to the ad so you can show it later.
_interstitialAdTurbo.interstitialAd = ad;
isInterstitialAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isInterstitialAdReady = false;
print('Failed to load an interstitial ad: ${error.message}');
loadRewardedAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedAdTurbo.loadRewardedAdTurbo(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedAdUnitId,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded.');
// Keep a reference to the ad so you can show it later.
_rewardedAdTurbo.rewardedAd = ad;
isRewardedAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isRewardedAdReady = false;
print('RewardedAd failed to load: $error');
loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.loadRewardedInterstitialAdTurbo(adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.rewardedInterstitial,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded.');
// Keep a reference to the ad so you can show it later.
_rewardedInterstitialAdTurbo.rewardedInterstitial = ad;
isRewardedInterstitialAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isRewardedInterstitialAdReady = false;
print('RewardedInterstitialAd failed to load: $error');
loadAppOpenAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _appOpenAdTurbo.loadAppOpenAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.appOpenAdUnitId,
orientation: AppOpenAdTurbo.orientationPortrait,
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('$ad loaded');
_appOpenAdTurbo.appOpenAd = ad;
isAppOpenAdAdReady = true;
onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
isAppOpenAdAdReady = false;
print('AppOpenAd failed to load: $error');
loadNativeSmallAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeSmallAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId,
// Called when an ad is successfully received.
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('Ad loaded.');
isNativeSmallAdReady = true;
// Called when an ad request failed.
onAdFailedToLoad:(ad, error) {
isNativeSmallAdReady = false;
// Dispose the ad here to free resources.
print('Ad load failed (code=${error.code} message=${error.message})');
// Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdOpened: (ad) => print('Ad opened.'),
// Called when an ad removes an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdClosed: (ad) => print('Ad closed.'),
// Called when an impression occurs on the ad.
onAdImpression: (ad) => print('Ad impression.'),
// Called when a click is recorded for a NativeAd.
onNativeAdClicked: (ad) => print('Ad clicked.'));
loadNativeMediumAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeMediumAdTurbo(
adUnitId: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedAdUnitId,
// Called when an ad is successfully received.
onAdLoaded: (ad) {
print('Ad loaded.');
isNativeMediumAdReady = true;
// Called when an ad request failed.
onAdFailedToLoad:(ad, error) {
isNativeMediumAdReady = false;
// Dispose the ad here to free resources.
print('Ad load failed (code=${error.code} message=${error.message})');
// Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdOpened: (ad) => print('Ad opened.'),
// Called when an ad removes an overlay that covers the screen.
onAdClosed: (ad) => print('Ad closed.'),
// Called when an impression occurs on the ad.
onAdImpression: (ad) => print('Ad impression.'),
// Called when a click is recorded for a NativeAd.
onNativeAdClicked: (ad) => print('Ad clicked.'));
loadNativeVideoAdTurbo : #
loadAd() async{
await _nativeAdTurbo.loadNativeVideoAdTurbo(nativeVideoID: AdTurboAdHelper.nativeAdvancedVideoAdUnitId);