Results245 packages
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Flutter generic provider using InheritedWidget. An helper to easily exposes a value using InheritedWidget without having to write one.
A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required! #win32#windows#ffi
Unofficial Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Dart SDK, to add user sign-up / sign-in to your mobile and web apps with AWS Cloud Services. Based on amazon-cognito-identity-dart
Universal explorer UI for navigate files, ftp, etc. Support custom providers and any platforms c:
A simple state manager, states now are simple to reach, easy to save and restore.
Tizen implementation of the path_provider plugin
Carrier Info gets networkType, networkGeneration, mobileCountryCode, mobileCountryCode, e.t.c from both android and ios devices
A Flutter package that you can get and use images and SVG from local and network . Image - SVG Provider Supported#cache#image#network-image#svg-provider#avs-svg-provider
Unpacks P.A.C.K.E.R. packed js code. / generate javascript code from packed js code.
The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs.

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