Results1568 packages
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Meta SEO is package for adding meta data for html document in head tag which meta tags or meta data make search engine optimization for web apps.#meta-seo#seo
Meta SDK for Flutter. This package allow you to integration with Facebook SDK using developer facebook dashboard, track flutter app events, and etc.
Annotations used to express developer intentions that can't otherwise be deduced by statically analyzing source code.
A metaballs implementation for flutter using webgl on the web and the shader package on other devices
Displays a timetable for dates and times on items in a list.
A dart library for extracting metadata on web pages such as OpenGraph, Meta, Twitter Cards, and Structured Data (Json-LD)
A flutter plugin which will help you to get metadata values defined in AndroidManifest.xml (Android) or info.plist (iOS).
Annotations for the Theme Tailor code-generator. This package does nothing without Theme Tailor.
A lightweight⚡ Flutter package that can fetch basic data from a youtube video url including thumbanail url
A Flutter plugin to read metadata of media files.

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