Results80 packages
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A simple yet efficient dependency injection container for Dart and Flutter (can be coupled with the kiwi_generator package).#deep-linking#dependency-injector#containers
A segmented control widget like the one for iOS, but in Material design.
📃 Calculates a minimal list of operations that convert one list into another if applied in order.
An implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm in Dart.
Run a test multiple times based on provided parameter list. Inspired by JUnit ParameterizedTest.
A complete solution to create Local and Push Notifications, customizing buttons, images, sounds, emoticons and applying many different layouts for Flutter apps.
search field with autocomplete suggestions.
Icons Plus is a package that has many icon packs that are popular and easy to use, such as Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Eva Icons, Line Awesome, Ionicons, and others.

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