Results58 packages
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A lightweight jsbridge for sending messages between flutter and javascript in WebViews.
use jsbridge to webview in flutter. No reliance on webview_flutter
A Javascript engine to use with flutter. It uses Quickjs on Android and JavascriptCore on IOS
A flutter jsbridge package compatible with webview_flutter, no native dependence.
A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and Dart.#jsbridge#javascript#webview#html
It allows you to store and retrieve data from a JSON file. It support manipulating nested keys with dot separated.
A new Flutter plugin.
A basic JS bridge to call javascript external context function, seamlessly working on mac/ios/android/...
A Flutter plugin for JSBridge communication based on webview_flutter.
A flutter jsbridge package compatible with webview_flutter, no native dependence.

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