Results376 packages
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Flutter plugin cross-platform (iOS, Android) for Combate à Fraude's PassiveFaceLiveness (
A 2D Bézier curve math library. Based heavily on the work of @TheRealPomax <>. Live examples can be found at <>.
A powerful extension library of Sliver, which include SliverPinnedPersistentHeader, SliverPinnedToBoxAdapter and ExtendedSliverAppbar.
A livechat package for embedding mobile chat window in your mobile application.
Flutter RTMP live stream client for your audio/video application. Made with ♥ by
A package that supports Bar Chart in a Flutter Sliver. This Package allow us to add Bar Chart in Sliver and its set a Bar Chart as a Header on Slivers Scroll.
Provide nice moving particle bokeh effect wall paper on your background.
Effortlessly add speech-to-text to your Flutter apps, enabling voice-controlled features. Transcribe spoken words into text easier with this plugin.
A single function package to detect weather the face visible in the camera is a live face or not.
Allows you to use powerful snapping slivers with expanded and collapsed bars.

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