Results37 packages
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data_channel (DC) is a simple dart utility for handling exceptions and data routing.
A new Flutter package to get world's all of Country, State, and City.
A Dart library that contains the core commands that can be used with a secondary server (scan, update, lookup, llookup, plookup, etc.)
A dart port of vCard JS by Eric J Nesser. Create vCards to import contacts into Outlook, iOS, Mac OS, and Android devices from your website or mobile application.
A Dart package for making PMVVM pages given class name and the path (optional) and using the shell commands.
Icons Plus is a package that has many icon packs that are popular and easy to use, such as Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Eva Icons, Line Awesome, Ionicons, and others.
A community material design icon flutter packages based on
A Flutter package which includes 1584 Carbon icons from the Carbon Design System.
Customizable Icons for Flutter. Port of react-native-vector-icons
100+ open source icon sets for flutter to make you app more beautiful

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