Results39 packages
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This package provides a client for interacting with ThingSpeak channels. It covers all functionalities of the ThingSpeak API, enabling users to update channel information, fetch and analyze feeds, and [...]
A fork of A widget that emits events when swiped past a threshold. Can be used to add quick actions for ListTiles.
A flutter plugin that facilitates inspection and modification of 'local storage' inside a flutter app
A Flutter package for inspecting widgets. Useful for quick debugging or QA testing.
Effortlessly add speech-to-text to your Flutter apps, enabling voice-controlled features. Transcribe spoken words into text easier with this plugin.
A SQL local storage inspector implementation that exposes drift databases
A Flutter plugin provides TTS (Text-To-Speech) Service.
A Flutter plugin to test internet download and upload speed.
Spell check on flutter on client side, works for multiple languages
Openai library whisper unofficial for recognition audio to text without heavy gpu, support server side and client side.

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