Results167 packages
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A customizable segmented control that can be used with a TabView.
Render comment tree like facebook comment - reply.
A new Flutter package project.
A simple Flutter comment box for posts and products.
Flutter Augmented Reality Plugin for iOS and Android Applications.
Paquete para agregar tarjetas en paymentez, sirve para proyectos que no tienen certificación PCI.
Flutter plugin for showing the In-App Comments Rating pop up on Huawei phones with Android. It makes it easy for users to rate your app.
A package that provides a sheet widget that can be drag to other positions
A sub-package of the AlgoliaSearch library, offering recommend-specific functionalities for enhanced search and discovery in Dart/Flutter apps.#search#discovery
Use the segmented control to present your list of data into selectable segments that are also customizable.

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