Results466 packages
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A Flutter plugin for downloading images from URL to user's device. This plugin only works for Flutter web.
Web platform implementation of video_player and supports hls on chrome and other browsers.
Show a webview window on your flutter desktop application.
This package makes it possible to detect how many browser tabs in the webbrowser your flutter app is currently running in.
flutterwebapp_reload_detector can detect if user refreshed flutterWebApp from Browser
This package enables Firebase OAuth on desktop via webview
Flutter Web browser detection package. This package allows you to detect which browser and its version is in use.
A CLI for Dart web development. Provides an easy and consistent set of features for users and tools to build and deploy web applications with Dart.
Camera-based QR code scanning for Flutter-Web, The package makes use of the jsQR.js library to gain native access to the camera and scan QR codes
Package for decoding Json Web Token (JWT), and selecting specific claims.

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