Results418 packages
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A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of the device.
A drag-and-drop Flutter plugin (Web only).
A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of the device.
A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of the os.
flutter_timezone_name is basically an improved timezone package so you can just use as an getCurrentTimeZoneName method.
A common platform interface for the flutter_dropzone plugin.
Scans MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from identity documents for iOS and Android.
Official Flutter plugin to support Appodeal SDK for Android and iOS platforms. Support Consent Dialog for GDPR/CCPA zone.
A drag-and-drop Flutter plugin (Web only).
A simple way to bring drag’n’drop to flutter web. drop_zone is commonly used for file choosing by dragging and dropping a file(s) onto a designated widget. The user can then use the dropped html file(s).

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