Results86 packages
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Flutter plugin for Firebase In-App Messaging.
A new way to show advanced popup menu in Flutter, the package is a part of quds_ui_kit package.
A Flutter popup menu.Writted with pure dart, supported both iOS and Android.
List of all HTTP methods registered with IANA as list of strings, and metadata such as whether a method idempotent. #http
Wrap a widget with CustomPopupMenu, Tap or Long Press this widget, a popup menu would display in a suitable position.
A Flutter Popup Menu Widget, written completely in dart, and it supports both iOS and Android.
a pupup menu, contains clickable buttons each, and a global click function referring the item, this is for porpose not break the user attention,.
A Flutter plugin for AppMetrica by Yandex. AppMetrica is a set of libraries for collecting application usage statistics.
The AppMetrica Push SDK is a set of libraries for working with push notifications.

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