Results13 packages
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A Changelog manipulation library. Read/modify/write your Inspired by
StreamChannel wrappers for WebSockets. Provides a cross-platform WebSocketChannel API, a cross-platform implementation of that API that communicates over an underlying StreamChannel.
A flutter plugin to detect change in device time, date and timezone for Android and IOS.
Change App Package Name with single command. Update AndroidManifest, build.gradle, MainActivity files & move MainActivity file to new directory structure automatically.
Changeicon empowe Flutter apps to dynamically change icons on Android and iOS
A widget that returns the size of the child object. The [onChange] callback will run everytime the widget's size has changed.
Change Google Maps API key
build your changelog extractor in a fashion way.
A processor for files to wrap versions with hypyer links.
Implement change notifier for collection object e.g. List, Set and Map

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