Results19 packages
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涂鸦智能生活Flutter 第三方插件,官方最新5的版本
A plugin to provide a common interface for creating HomeScreen Widgets for Android and iOS.
Draggable is a library for adding a beautiful draggable home page
Flutter plugin to show/hide the home indicator on iPhones without home button.
AThome is a Flutter package that makes it easy for developers to create a flutter home page with just a few lines of code and custom options.
A Dart library for interacting with Home Assistant APIs.
Find, filter and benchmark public Matrix homeservers and check their capabilities
Playx Home Launcher: Streamline launcher management in your Flutter app. Quickly check the current default launcher and enhance user experience with an integrated selection dialog.#playx#launcher#home-launcher
A Flutter plugin to create information to send to phomemo printers.
HomeConnectApi is a Dart package that provides a client for the Home Connect API, allowing users to interact with their home appliances.

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