Results33 packages
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Flutter plugin for displaying inline video with other Flutter widgets on Android, iOS, and web.#video#video-player
video_player plugin and APIs for your own players. Support all desktop/mobile platforms. Hardware decoders, optimal renders. Supports most formats via FFmpeg#video#player#video-player#audio-player#cross-platform
A new flutter plugin that is virtually a clone of official video_player plugin except that it supports caching( Android and iOS)
Web platform implementation of video_player and supports hls on chrome and other browsers.
WidgetFactory extension to render VIDEO with the chewie plugin.#video#fwfh
Video player for Windows, lightweight, using Windows built-in Media Foundation API. Windows implementation of the video_player plugin.
Android implementation of the video_player plugin.#video#video-player
package:video_player support for all platforms, based on package:media_kit.#video#video-player#cross-platform#media-kit
Original video_player plugin with the superpower of caching embedded in Android, iOS and macOS.
iOS and macOS implementation of the video_player plugin.#video#video-player

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