Results15 packages
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i18n made easy for Flutter. With flutter_i18n you can make your app international, using just a simple .json, .xml, .yaml or .toml file!
A cross-platform plugin for adding embedded Python runtime to your Flutter apps.
A stellar blockchain sdk that query's horizon, build, signs and submits transactions to the stellar network.
A minimal TOML localization package built on LocalizationsDelegate.
Run Dart code on Edge functions, supporting Vercel and Cloudflare Workers.
Build GraphQL web servers with leto and shelf. HTTP, WebSocket, File Uploads, HTML explorers and other utilities.
A flutter library embeded TOML view.#toml#viewer
A command-line utility for installing and running minecraft, as well as creating dockerized minecraft-server images.
Toml serializer for the dogs graph serializer
Running Rest api on most platform (supabase, Cloudflare, vercel, netlify and more).

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