Results10 packages
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Bones_UI - An intuitive and user-friendly Web User Interface framework for Dart.
Dart Useful Tools - collections, math, date, uri, json, events, resources, regexp, etc...
Bones_API - A powerful API backend framework for Dart. It comes with a built-in HTTP Server, route handler, entity handler, SQL translator, and DB adapters.
ESC/POS thermal WiFi printer support for Dart (non-Flutter dependent).
Simple and easy internationalization and localization messages framework for Dart (integrated with package 'intl') and translation tools (integrated with OpenAI and ChatGPT).
Win32 API GUI in Object-Oriented style with some helpers. Uses package `win32` and `dart:ffi`.#win32#windows#ffi
Dart Library for interacting with the Bitcoin network. This library is especially well-suited for use in developing Flutter applications.
A core server for creating fast dart servers with support of routers, controllers, middlewares.
A library to parse, extract and/or ETL data from HTML document and many others.
Plural_lint is a developer tool to check plural translations in your project. It detects both missing and unused plural quantities in the ARB files. #lint#check#internationalization#static-code-analysis#i18n

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