Results369 packages
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Image Editor Plugin with filters, drawing, text and emoji like stories.
A document scanner plugin for flutter. Scan and crop automatically on iOS and Android.
OpenStreetMap Plugin Native for flutter apps (Andoird/iOS/web)
Scanner plugin for Barcode/QR code. Scan using flutter_barcode_scanner for mobile device and html5-qrcode for web and windows
Streaming of Pulse-code modulation (PCM) audio from Android and iOS
A plugin to receive raw byte streams from a device's microphone. Audio is returned as `Stream<Uint8list>`.
Chuck is an HTTP Inspector tool which helps debugging http requests. It catches and stores http requests and responses, which can be viewed via simple UI.
This is a Dart plugin wrapper for the Polar SDK on Android and iOS
A Flutter plugin for detecting if location is being simulated or faked
PrebuiltLiveStreaming is a full-featured live streaming kit that provides realtime video/audio streaming, live text chat, face beautification, and supports unlimited viewers.#live#livestream#livestreaming#live-streaming#pk

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