Results37 packages
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Alan AI voice assistant SDK for Flutter to add a voice assistant or chatbot to your app.
Simple to use yet powerful package to encypt shared preferences in android and UserDefaults in iOS.
Flutter package for prompting users to update with a native dialog whether using the app store version or any version at the user's discretion.
A plugin to reveal metadata for the currently playing audio track
Flutter plugin for querying information about the .apk file on Android, such as versionCode.
Inngage Plugin for Flutter applications for marketing campaign optimization using Push Notification and In App Messages channels.
Check if the user has recent version of your Flutter app.
Dart and Flutter library for Nifcloud mobile backend(NCMB). Nifcloud mobile backend is a web service of mBaaS.
A bugsnag reporter for flutter projects.
the best app chat sdk in china, you can chat with the agent freely at anytime. the agent can chat with the visitor by web/pc/mac/ios/android client.

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