Results92 packages
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A mock framework inspired by Mockito with APIs for Fakes, Mocks, behavior verification, and stubbing.
A Dart mock library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation.#mock#test
Algorithms and utilities that power the Material Design 3 color system, including choosing theme colors from images and creating tones of colors; all in a new color space.
A fluent, builder-based library for generating valid Dart code
A non-interactive HTML documentation generator for Dart source code.
A package that makes it easy to mock, test and verify navigation calls in Flutter.
A more flexible and powerful version of Flutter's ColorScheme.fromSeed. Use multiple seed colors, custom chroma and tone mapping.#theme#colorscheme#material3#color#materialdesign
A full featured library for writing and running Dart tests across platforms.
Blazing fast, cross-platform ObjectId implementation for the dart language.
Quiver is a set of utility libraries for Dart that makes using many Dart libraries easier and more convenient, or adds additional functionality.

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