Results397 packages
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Europe Stand With Ukraine. Pray for Ukraine. A complete api for audio playback and recording. Audio player, audio recorder.
A simple to use mocking package for Dio intended to be used in tests. It provides various types and methods to declaratively mock request-response communication.
Manage your network layer with dio. You will be able to use it very easily network operations.#dio#refreshtoken#withoutnetwork#networkmanager#networkcache
A Blazingly Fast way to configure your awesome flutter project to be production ready.
A Dio interceptor for pretty printing the HTTP request/response to be printed in the console for easier debugging
Localizely SDK for Flutter enables Over-the-air translations update from Localizely cloud platform
Lokalise Flutter SDK over-the-air translations updates. This package provides new translations from without a new app release.
Kartal is an extension package for easy to use at app development time. You can access more features with primitive variables(context, string etc.).
A flutter plugin that let's you communicate with the spotify sdk and auth lib
A versatile mapping package for Flutter, that's simple and easy to learn, yet completely customizable and configurable#flutter-map#map

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