Results34 packages
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this package is to implement faceID, touchID and fingerprint authentication
A plugin implementing the WebAuthn authenticator model for generating Public Key Credentials
A Flutter package that helps users to handle enabling and disabling biometrics in an application
A full solution to local authentication: it contains authentication logic and tracks authentication-relevant data, while providing an interface for app-specific UI implementatin.
This package provide out of the box entering PIN code functionality, which can be used with biometric authentication.
A package that make it easy to implement the Senior X authentication for Flutter. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.
A Dart package that provides functionalities to enhance the security of Dart applications; integration of multiple cybersecurity practices to secure user interactions.
A Bootpay bio plugin that provides payment api on Android, iOS.
A library to easy manage your app credentials
Collection of auth service with advanced controlling system.

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