Results18 packages
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A Flutter widget for create an expandable table with header and first column fixed.
A customizable code field supporting syntax highlighting, bi-directionnal scrolling and code modifiers
A customizable code field supporting syntax highlighting and code folding.
Reorderable TabBar package for Flutter, with this package you can easily reorder tabs in TabBar.
A scrollable time chart in Flutter. Currently supporting en, ko languages.
A new Flutter package that provides a masonry grid layout using list view.
A table widget that can be used inside of a [CustomScrollView].
A spreadsheet like table with scrolling on both axis and freezed headers.
Zebra Design System components for Flutter. A selection of UI components from Zebra Technologies.
FlutterSpreadsheetUI is a Flutter package allowing developers to create and embed spreadsheet-like tables in their Flutter applications easily. With this package, developers can create fully customiza [...]

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