Results22 packages
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Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.#i18n#localization#internationalization#translation
Dart library to access and manipulate content of pubpec.yaml files
Dart library to access and manipulate content of pubpec.lock files
A light dart command-line tool for generating Figma styles as variables.#cli#console#figma#design-tokens#codegen
Easily add Fontsource fonts to your flutter app. Includes a dart interface for the Fontsource API.
Creates a CLI for your flutter app for custom tasks and automation#sidekick#cli
A screening server for entity/ person name against denial lists such as BIS Entity List.
Dart borg is a command-line tool to support development teams working on large scale Dart and Flutter mono repositories.

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