Results23 packages
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An adapter that combines HTTP/2 and dio. Supports reusing connections, header compression, etc.#dio#http2#native#network
Dart implementation of gRPC, a high performance, open-source universal RPC framework.
A high-powered HTTP server extensible framework with dependency injection, routing and much more.
A Figma API wrapper library for interacting with Figma documents, written in pure Dart.
package:http compatible client that can speak HTTP/2, maintain connections and fallback to HTTP/1.1.
The fire_http is a Firestrarter plugin who helps you to implement client of HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 on Flutter Project.
Flutter plugin that provides Cronet-based grpc client implementation.
AWS Transcribe Streaming client for producing real-time transcriptions for your media content using HTTP/2.#aws#transcribe#streaming#client#audio
DataHub is a Cloud Development Ecosystem aiming to bring the power of Dart into the Cloud.
A Figma API wrapper library for interacting with Figma documents, written in pure Dart.

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