Results35 packages
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Modern calendar widget with useful features. Enables to develop well designed calendar in a moment. Inspired by the UI of Google calendar.
A simple, elegant and easy to use onboard widget for both android and ios devices(Null-Safety).
A set of reusable classes that should speed up your development time and reduce unnecessary boilerplate code.
Simple but powerfull Flutter navigation with riverpod and Navigator 2.0
a widget to handle fast forward/rewind behavior by double tap and horizontal drag like a video player.
Handy riverpod extensions. To aid in building applications which uses the riverpod package
miroru story editor is designed in accordance with the Material Theme, offering ease of customization through its succinctly written code.
flutter tools and widgets and extends
Modern calendar widget with useful features. Enables to develop well designed calendar in a moment. Inspired by the UI of Google calendar.

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