Results351 packages
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A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value storage written entirely in Dart
A stylish and smooth Accordion list where each item can be expanded or collapsed simply by clicking on the header.#lists#sections#expandable#ui
Vimeo and youtube player for flutter, Pod player provides customizable video player controls that support android, ios and web.
A light-weight and highly customizable SVG avatar library for Flutter apps. Provides a Customizer Widget, CircleAvatar and other utility functions that are ready-to-use.
A package that contains some default implementations of services required for a cleaner implementation of the Stacked Architecture.
This package helps to create adaptive applications following the Material Design 3 guidelines.
This package is designed to make it easy to use a month and year picker in Flutter with a fancy design.
A secure version of get_storage, which was a fast, extra light and synchronous key-value storage written entirely in Dart
A search page built for minimal work and good performance. Enjoy.
Gallery Picker is a flutter package that will allow you to pick media file(s), manage and navigate inside your gallery with modern tools and views.

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