Results64 packages
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A Dart implementation of Leaflet.makercluster for Flutter apps. Provides beautiful animated marker clustering functionality for flutter_map.
A flutter map plugin for displaying device current location.
Plugin for 'flutter_map' providing advanced caching functionality, with ability to download map regions for offline use.#flutter-map#map#fmtc
Animation utilities for markers and controls of the flutter_map package.#flutter-map#map#animation
A plugin for `flutter_map` that enables the use of vector tiles.
A slim yet powerful caching plugin for flutter_map tile layers.#flutter-map#map#cache#dio
This package parses GeoJson formatted spatial data and creates arrays of Flutter Map objects using default or custom defined create functions.
Package that provides Place search and Location picker for flutter maps with alot of cusomizations using Open Street Map
Plugin for flutter_map that provides a `TileProvider` with the capability to cancel unnecessary HTTP tile requests#flutter-map#map
A flutter_map plugin that adds Polyline class with onTap event

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