Results23 packages
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A service class that provides Firebase Authentication Functionality on a single api
Firebase UI widgets for authentication & OAuth.
Third Party Login is simple way to sign-in with different types of third party login systems.
FTeam's Datasource Authentication, this package - This package was developed to be a facilitator to implement the different forms of login that we have (facebook, apple, google, etc.)
Flutter package enabling authentication using identity providers like Google, Facebook and Apple login. Easiest way to integrate Google , Facebook, Apple and Custom Login
A port of the Firebase database, auth and storage client to pure Dart code for use on flutter
Flutter App Essentials Auth is a comprehensive package that aims to accelerate app development by providing essential Authentication features.
Using this package to sign in all social platform like Google login, Apple login, Facebook, LinkedIn
djangoflow_auth_facebook adds a touch of Facebook magic to your Flutter app with Djangoflow API
A super module using bloc and clean architecture that is common in every app such as authentication, utils, extension and common widgets.

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