Results21 packages
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A flutter package to paginate realtime database and firestore with live updates.
Pre-built widgets and utilites that make it easy to integrate Firebase Realtime Database into your Flutter app.
Fakes to write unit tests for FirebaseDatabase (real-time database).
A lightning-fast, robust CMS for seamless real-time content management in app development.
Database utilities class library for SQLite and any number of other DBMS implemented in the future.
Forked version of `flutter_firebase_chat_core` to use Firebase Realtime DB instead of Firestore.
Thanks to this package, which brings together the challenging materials created as a result of the efforts of many developers, no application will make you struggle with lines of code!
A Game Libary for creating live multiplayergames with flutter and firebase very fast and easy.
A Flutter package for managing feature flags using Firebase Realtime Database.
Many features come together with the JeaFriday package! Fast, practical, very simple.

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