Results14 packages
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Pre-built widgets and utilites that make it easy to integrate Firebase Storage into your Flutter app.
A Flutter plugin project for onboarding any atSign in atPlatform apps with ease. Provides a QRscanner option and an upload key file option to authenticate.
Stream Chat official Flutter SDK. Build your own chat experience using Dart and Flutter.
Flutter plugin for picking images on Mobile, Desktop and Web.
A Flutter plugin project for saving the backup key of any atSign that is being onboarded with atPlatform apps. The backup key can be used to authenticate in other atPlatform apps.
A Flutter plugin project to provide group functionality with contacts using atPlatform.
File pickers based on [file_selector].
The Dive UI widgets. A toolkit for video recording and streaming.
file imports and exports
Wrapper around file_selector to use with reactive_forms.

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