Results36 packages
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Easy Localization Loader custom assets loaders for easy_localization (Json, CSV, http, Xml, API ...)
YAML loader for easy_localization package. Supports assets from packages. No redundant dependencies.
A widget for switching the locale of your application with 2 lines of code.
A Flutter server rendering framework for mobile application, server-driven UI, dynamic change your interface in realtime
Common flutter widgets and helper methods to accelerate Flutter app development.
Create a new project with a basic template make app easier,faster than do normalize.
Test extensions to write tests in Flutter.
This package provides a set of pickup datetime that you can use in your app.
flutter bluesky plugin project. This plugin provides a client for bluesky or other PDS of atproto.
Easily manage and update app localization with a simple implementation and a lot of utilities.#playx#localization#translation

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