Results23 packages
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A Flutter-only implementation of a drift database, based on the `sqflite` package.
A DB cache store implementation with Drift for dio_cache_interceptor package.
Postgres implementation and APIs for the drift database package.
Official Stream Chat Persistence library. Build your own chat experience using Dart and Flutter.
A package to view your drift database in your own app with filtering and without the need of exporting your db file.
A SQL local storage inspector implementation that exposes drift databases
A Dart implementation for ElectricSQL ( client.
Supporting package for SQL or Drift/Moor that allows the easy export of SQL based Moor databases to CSV form, for external storage or sharing. Works on all platforms other than Web.
A Flutter-only implementation of a drift CRDT database, based on the `sqlite_crdt` package and `sqflite`.
storage extension for the stash API. Provides support to store vaults and caches in a sqlite database in binary format using the msgpack json format

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