Results12 packages
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Introduction/Onboarding package for flutter app with some customizations possibilities
Flutter package that provides an iOS-style onboarding experience.#onboarding#ios#native
Actively maintained, community driven flutter animated and onetime onboarding project.
100ms Room Kit provides simple & easy to use UI components to build Live Streaming & Video Conferencing experiences in your apps.
Image zooming effects like Image pan gesture, pinch zoomin-zoomout, double tap zoomin-zoomout
Image slider with auto scroll, dots indicator
Flutter package that provides an iOS-style onboarding experience. Improved from cupertino_onboarding
Package for displaying simple dialogs for tutorials. Recommended for those looking for a package that wants to implement a side-scrolling dialog on the fly.
You can create a simple onboarding using this package. Just give your pre-selected colors.
A live stream flutter plugin base on aws chime.

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