Results40 packages
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You can get device id from platform - linux/mac/windows/android/ios/web.
You can get device id from platform - linux/mac/windows/android/ios/web.
You can get device id from platform - linux/mac/windows/android/ios/web.
An easy to use package for creating flavors for any environment.
This SDK helps you easily link the 'toss payments' payment module on the flutter.
A flutter widget that show the camera stream and allow ML vision recognition on it, it allow you to detect barcodes, labels, text, faces...
Inngage Plugin for Flutter applications for marketing campaign optimization using Push Notification and In App Messages channels.
A BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) Flutter plugin for Android and iOS.
The plugin supports the table search and export option to export CSV files.
You can get device id from platform - linux/mac/windows/android/ios/web.

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