Results22 packages
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APIs for parsing and manipulating HTML content outside the browser.#html#web
Flutter package to render html as widgets that focuses on correctness and extensibility.#widget#html#css#fwfh
A Flutter widget rendering static HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets.
A 'dart:html' that works in all platforms, including Flutter and server-side. Eases cross-platform development and HTML / XML processing.
Fast and productive web framework by Google. Separate, but similar to the JavaScript framework with a similar name.
A powerful chat UI component library and business logic for Tencent Cloud Chat, creating seamless in-app chat modules for delightful user experiences.
A very fast link-checker. Crawls sites and checks integrity of links both in HTML and in CSS.
A Flutter widget for rendering static matrix html tags as Flutter widgets. (Will render over 70 different html tags!)
Zebra Design System components for Flutter. A selection of UI components from Zebra Technologies.
A Flutter widget rendering static HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets.

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