Results54 packages
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Easiest Flutter camera Plugin with builtin UI. Supporting capturing images, streaming images, video recording, switch sensors, autofocus, flash, filters... on Android and iOS.
A horizontal week calender with on change week and on date selected function
Flutter package that makes it easy to use UI widgets and code generated by FlutterFlow in your Flutter projects.
A curated library of pre-styled, reusable components for Flutter developers to build apps at scale
A flutter widget that display calendar in a form of carousel slider.
Thanks to this package, which brings together the challenging materials created as a result of the efforts of many developers, no application will make you struggle with lines of code!
A Flutter package to quickly get started building Chat UIs with different type of message kinds.
A new Flutter package for creating an image carousel gallery with an animated image slider.
Bilions UI components. Custom made alert, confirm, image preview, toast widgets, text input, date picker, bottom sheet menu. All widget are support with different theme variant such as primary, succes [...]
We can add carasoul dotted with multiple images

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