Results68 packages
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Reflection support based on code generation, using 'capabilities' to specify which operations to support, on which objects.
This package allows programmers to annotate Dart objects in order to serialize / deserialize them from / to JSON.
A BDD-style widget testing library. Generates Flutter widget tests from *.feature files.
Localizely SDK for Flutter enables Over-the-air translations update from Localizely cloud platform
Checks for missing, under-promoted, over-promoted, and unused dependencies.
Builder implementations wrapping the dart2js and DDC compilers.
Simple i18n solution for dart and flutter. Uses code generation to generate translations as dart classes. Efficient and works with autocomplete!
Simple internationalization tool for Dart and Flutter, based on YAML files and source code generation.
PAckage aNAlyzer - produce a report summarizing the health and quality of a Dart package.#tool
Transpile sass files using the "build" package.

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