Results17 packages
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Serves pre-made infinite list cubit and bloc to reduce boilerplate and provide concrete immutable bloc implementation.
BLOC wrapper over `graphql_flutter` streams with improved state handling.
FF bloc for creating awesome apps easy
Dart package to implement forms in an easy, fast and effective way using the bloc package
A collection of common blocs and cubits that maybe will be used very often (powered by the bloc library).
A Wrapper for Bloc to make it easier to use Clean Architecture. It's based on the clean_network package.#bloc#clean-architecture#state-management#clean-bloc#pagination-bloc
Dart package for service layer implement with bloc architecture
A widget for custom canvas with animated magic effects. Feel free to use it in your awesome project.#canvas#magic#effects#custom#widget
Package video call dari Transmedika ini merupakan libary yang digunakan untuk developer untuk memudahkan memanggil fungsi video call dari dokter ke pasien transmedika
A marketing package for the GrowERP system

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