Results17 packages
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Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons.#widget#ui#button#chips#selector
Flutter package to create list of radio button, by providing a list of objects it can be a String list or list of Map..
A widget that groups radio buttons so they can work together to give the user a pleasant experience when making selections within the app.#radio-group#radio-buttons
A simple radio button group with any amount of options. Allows rectangular and round buttons, vertical and horizontal.
This package helps in creation of forms in Flutter by removing the boilerplate code, reusing validation, react to changes, and collect final user input.
Simple flutter widget from Bootstrap v5 component, including responsive grid layout based on bootstrap grid system
Useful platform aware widgets to develop a Flutter app with either Cupertino and Material design.#cupertino#material#widgets
A Flutter package that provides a custom ElevatedButton with a gradient background and stroke.
highly customizable complex radial animation without any boilerplate code.
A Flutter package which includes 1584 Carbon icons from the Carbon Design System.

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