Results93 packages
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Range of utilities for Firestore and Fire Storage, including CRUD operations and other essential functions
Flutter package to enable passkey based authentication with Firebase powered by Corbado.
This package is the way to use firebase features on all platforms without code changes.
This package offers a range of services for Firestore,fire Auth and Fire Storage, including CRUD operations
CARP Mobile Sensing data backend for uploading data to Google Firebase.
Flutter Secure Storage provides API to store data in secure storage. Keychain is used in iOS, KeyStore based solution is used in Android.
Rxdart streaming shared preferences. Reactive stream rxdart wrapper around SharedPreferences. A stream based wrapper over shared_preferences, allowing reactive key-value storage.#rxdart#hoc081098#rx-shared-preferences#reactive-shared-preferences#reactive-programming
A Flutter package for trimming videos. This supports retrieving, trimming, and storage of trimmed video files to the file system.
Mapbox MBTiles v1.3 files, support for vector and raster tiles.#mbtiles#map
Valt is a Flutter plugin that enables easy reading and writing of simple key-value pairs with AES encryption for secure local storage.

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