Results21 packages
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geoflutterfire_plus enables your flutter app to store and query cloud firestore documents based on their geographic location.
A Dart package to get addresses from latitude and longitude.Provide vast number of method to get verious types of location by latitude and longitude.
A flutter plugin to get basic metadata information of a video file.
Flutter Qiblah is a package that allows you to display Qiblah direction in you app with support for both Android and iOS (updated for flutter 3)
Map realated calculations in one place. Like finding distance, mid point, bearing angle of two points.And finding destination point.Also convert degrees to radians and vice-versa
A Plugin to set Large images as Wallpaper without skipping frames for Home Screen,Lock Screen and Both Screens on Android device from system file or cached image file.
A Flutter plugin for integrating Mapbox Maps SDK v11 in Android/iOS application.
Keycloak client adapter for flutter based on the keycloak-js implementation.
A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for picking images from the image library and taking new pictures with the camera.
A flutter plugin for run object detection and image classifications from pytorch models like yolov5.

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