Results45 packages
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A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use an headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.#html#webview#webview-flutter#inappwebview#browser
A plugin for you to control the windows, their properties and toolbar/titlebars.
A package that provides the ability to show popup window at any location.
system_tray that makes it easy to customize tray and work with your Flutter desktop app.
Secure app content visibility when user leave app. It will hide content in the app switcher and display a frost barrier above locked content when the user get backs
Official Flutter plugin to support Appodeal SDK for Android and iOS platforms. Support Consent Dialog for GDPR/CCPA zone.
A plugin for hiding sensitive data when app is in app switcher and in background. It also provides automatic lock triggers with native lifeCycle events, and native lifeCycle listeners.
A Flutter plugin for XUpdate(Android Version Update Library).
Keycloak client adapter for flutter based on the keycloak-js implementation.
Simple notifications handler which provides callbacks like onTap which really make it easy to handle notification taps and a lot more.

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