Results260 packages
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A BDD-style widget testing library. Generates Flutter widget tests from *.feature files.
A package that facilitates the creation of tests for applications built with GetX
TestFairy integration for Flutter, bundled with the native SDK
Command line utility to run tests in Dart VM and collect coverage data.
A Very Good Command-Line Interface for Dart created by Very Good Ventures.#cli#codegen#test#template#boilerplate
Java classes for testing Flutter apps using Espresso. Allows driving Flutter widgets from a native Espresso test.#android#test
WelltestedAI is a Testing AI Pilot helping developers add and maintain tests as they code and deliver stable welltested apps to users.
Visualize internal Dart library dependencies in Graphviz dot. Detect dependency cycles.
A lightweight, flexible, and high-performance dependency injection and service location library for Dart and Flutter

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