youtube_player_iframe library
- FullScreenOption
- The fullscreen option.
- FullscreenYoutubePlayer
- A widget that plays Youtube Video is full screen mode.
- PlaybackRate
- Playback rate or speed for the video.
- ThumbnailQuality
- Quality of YouTube video thumbnail.
- YoutubeMetaData
- Meta data for Youtube Video.
- YoutubePlayer
- A widget to play or stream Youtube Videos.
- YoutubePlayerController
- Controls the youtube player, and provides updates when the state is changing.
- YoutubePlayerControllerProvider
- An inherited widget to provide YoutubePlayerController to it's descendants.
- YoutubePlayerIFrameAPI
- The skeleton for YouTube IFrame Player API.
- YoutubePlayerParams
- Defines player parameters for YoutubePlayer.
- YoutubePlayerScaffold
- A widget the scaffolds the YoutubePlayer so that it can be moved around easily in the view and handles the fullscreen functionality.
- YoutubePlayerValue
- Youtube Player value
- YoutubeValueBuilder
- Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a YoutubePlayerController.
- YoutubeVideoState
- The current state of the Youtube video.
- ListType
- The type of playlist.
- PlayerState
- Current state of the player.
- PointerEvents
- The pointer events.
- YoutubeError
- Youtube Errors
- YoutubePlayerControllerExtension on BuildContext
- YoutubePlayerControllerExtension
int errorCode) → YoutubeError
- YoutubeWebResourceError = WebResourceError
- The Web Resource Error.