yamh_file function

Future<void> yamh_file(
  1. File infile,
  2. String? output

Converts a Markdown file to a HTML file.

Throws an ArgumentError if either the input or output is mentioned, but left empty. Throws a FileSystemException is the file doesn't end in « .md » or if the file doesn't exist. If no output is defined, the HTML is saved to the same directory as the input file. A successful save returns a string saying « SAVED » is returned.


Future<void> yamh_file(File infile, String? output) async {
  var fileStr = infile.path.toString();
  if (fileStr == '') {
    throw ArgumentError(
        '[YAMH] You specified an input, however left the value blank.');
  if (fileStr.endsWith('.md') == false) {
    throw FileSystemException(
        "[YAMH] The file you provided may not be a Markdown file, as it doesn't end in .md. Please change the file extension and try again.",
  if (await infile.exists() == false) {
    throw FileSystemException(
        '[YAMH] The file you provided seems to not exist. Check if the file does exist and that you spelt the file and its path properly.',

  await infile.readAsString().then((String data) {
    var parsed = markdownToHtml(data, inlineSyntaxes: [InlineHtmlSyntax()]);
    if (output != null) {
      _saveFile(parsed, output); // Write HTML to defined location
      return 'SAVED';
    } else {
      var inPath = infile.path;
      inPath =
          inPath.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\.md'), ''); // Remove .md from file path
      File(inPath + '.html')
          .writeAsString(parsed); // Write HTML to same place as Markdown file
      return 'SAVED';
  }); // Read file into string