xsoulspace_review library
- Confidential
- Use a Confidential widget to hide any widgets containing sensitive info from being captured inside a feedback screenshot.
- CustomizableWiredashMetaData
- Information about the user/ app with will be sent along feedback or promoter score to the Wiredash console
- CustomWiredashTranslationsDelegate
- FeedbackResult
- The result of WiredashController.show
- GoogleAppleStoreReviewer
- HuaweiStoreReviewer
- InvalidColor
- A color that throws when it is used. The intention is that is will be overridden and definitely not be used
- Label
A label/tag can be assigned to a
. - MaterialColorTone
- Based on the theory in https://m3.material.io/styles/color/dynamic-color/user-generated-color
- PsOptions
- Options for the promoter score survey
- RuStoreReviewer
- SnapStoreReviewer
- StoreReviewer
- Base class for implementing store review functionality.
- StoreReviewerFactory
- Factory class for creating StoreReviewer instances.
- StoreReviewRequester
- A class responsible for managing review requests for a store.
- SurfaceBasedTextStyle
- SurfaceSelector
- UserFeedback
- UserFeedbackWiredashDto
- WebStoreReviewer
- Wiredash
- Capture in-app user feedback, wishes, ratings and much more
- WiredashAnalytics
- Interact with the Wiredash Analytics service.
- WiredashController
- Use this controller to interact with Wiredash
- WiredashFeedbackOptions
- Options that adjust the flow a user has to take when giving feedback
- WiredashLocalizations
Callers can lookup localized strings with an instance of WiredashLocalizations
returned by
. - WiredashLocalizationsDe
The translations for German (
). - WiredashLocalizationsEn
The translations for English (
). - WiredashOptionsData
- WiredashTextTheme
- Definition of all text styles used in the app
- WiredashTextThemeWithDefaults
- Convenience class for accessing the text styles when we know everything is provided
- WiredashThemeData
- PromoterScoreWiredash on WiredashController
- Methods for promoter score related features
- defaultPsOptions → const PsOptions
Wiredash(PsOptions: )
are not set, these default options are used
= Future<
bool> Function(BuildContext context, Locale locale) - A function type for building a fallback consent screen.
Exceptions / Errors
- InvalidEventKeyFormatException
- Event key does not match the required format, and is therefore dropped.
- NoProjectIdSpecifiedException
Reported when multiple Wiredash widgets with different projectIds are
mounted but Wiredash.trackEvent is called without a
. - NoWiredashInstanceFoundException
- Reported when WiredashAnalytics.trackEvent but no Wiredash widget is mounted.
- TooManyEventParametersException
- Reported when the event parameters exceed the limit of 10 key-value pairs. Additional parameters are dropped.