xsoulspace_foundation library


Defines the contract for App Store utility classes.
A utility class for determining the current device runtime type.
An abstract class representing objects that can be disposed.
A container for field values, including error and loading states.
A marker class indicating that a function contains heavy computation.
A utility class for generating unique identifiers.
An abstract class representing objects that can be loaded asynchronously.
A container for loadable state, providing a clean way to represent loading states without null checks.
An interface defining the contract for local database operations.
An implementation of LocalDbI using SharedPreferences for local storage.
A utility class for generating random numbers and boolean values.
A utility class for controlling the soft keyboard.
A marker class indicating that a class contains state but should not contain any business logic.
A marker class indicating that a class should not contain any state.


Specifies the target store for which the app is built.
Represents the source from which the application was installed.


XSBuildContextX on BuildContext
Extension methods for BuildContext to simplify access to theme data.
XSIterableX on Iterable<E>
Extension methods for Iterable to provide additional functionality.
XSListExtension on List<E>
Extension methods for List to provide additional functionality.
XSStringX on String
Extension methods for String to provide additional functionality.
XSWidgetX on Widget
Extension methods for Widget to provide additional functionality.


heavyComputation → const HeavyComputation
A marker class indicating that a function contains heavy computation.
stateDistributor → const StateDistributor
A marker class indicating that a class contains state but should not contain any business logic.
stateless → const Stateless
Flags a class which should not contain any state.


closeKeyboard({required BuildContext context}) → void
Closes the soft keyboard if it's currently open.
dateTimeFromMilisecondsSinceEpoch(int? millisecondsSinceEpoch) DateTime?
Converts milliseconds since epoch to a DateTime object.
dateTimeNowUtc() DateTime
Provides utility functions for working with DateTime objects.
dateTimeToMilisecondsSinceEpoch(DateTime? dateTime) int?
Converts a DateTime object to milliseconds since epoch.
doubleFromJson(dynamic value) double
Converts a dynamic value to a double.
doubleNullableFromJson(dynamic value) double?
Converts a dynamic value to a nullable double.
doubleToJson(double value) → dynamic
Converts a double to a dynamic value for JSON encoding.
extractIntFromString(String input) int
Extracts the first integer found in a string.
intFromJson(dynamic value) int
Converts a dynamic value to an int.
intNullableFromJson(dynamic value) int?
Converts a dynamic value to a nullable int.
intToJson(int value) → dynamic
Converts an int to a dynamic value for JSON encoding.
jsonDecodeList(String jsonString) List
Decodes a JSON string into a List<dynamic>, always returning a list.
jsonDecodeMap(String jsonString) Map<String, dynamic>
Decodes a JSON string into a Map<String, dynamic>, always returning a map.
jsonDecodeNullableMap(String jsonString) Map<String, dynamic>?
Decodes a JSON string into a non-empty Map<String, dynamic> or null.
jsonDecodeThrowableMap(String jsonString) Map<String, dynamic>
Decodes a JSON string into a Map<String, dynamic>, throwing errors for invalid input.
stringFromJson(dynamic value) String
Converts a dynamic value to a String.
stringToJson(String value) String
Identity function for String values in JSON encoding.
verifyListDecodability(String jsonString) bool
Checks if a string is potentially decodable as a JSON array.
verifyMapDecodability(String jsonString) bool
Checks if a string is potentially decodable as a JSON object.


IterableConverter<TOld, TNew> = Future<TNew> Function(TOld item)