namespaceUri property

String? namespaceUri

The namespace URI, or null. Can only be resolved when the named entity has complete and up-to-date XmlParented.parentEvent information.


String? get namespaceUri {
  // Identify the prefix and local name to match.
  final index = name.indexOf(XmlToken.namespace);
  final prefix = index < 0 ? null : xmlns;
  final local = index < 0 ? xmlns : name.substring(0, index);
  // Identify the start element to match.
  final start = this is XmlStartElementEvent
      ? this as XmlStartElementEvent
      : parentEvent;
  // Walk up the tree to find the matching namespace.
  for (var event = start; event != null; event = event.parentEvent) {
    for (final attribute in event.attributes) {
      if (attribute.namespacePrefix == prefix &&
          attribute.localName == local) {
        return attribute.value;
  // Namespace could not be identified.
  return null;